Page 9 - Anantmaya Handbook 2020 - 2021
P. 9

The   history   of   wedding   invitations
 (A) HISTORY OF                                        transformed  the turn of the 18th century when

                                                       reading  and  writing  was  a  sign  of  education.
 INVITATIONS                                           The 18th century marked the beginning of the

                                                       social etiquette of sending invitations but this
                                                       was limited to the elite class only as the access
 It all started in the Year 1400s where the
                                                       to the formal education to read and write was
 invitations were communicated orally by
                                                       limited  only  to  them  .The  invite  was  often
 getting into the roofs of the host’s houses
                                                       closed  with  a  wax  seal  of  the  family  crest
 and  communicating  till  the  ear  spot
                                                       which is another sign of the status of the invite
 reached.  In the middle ages, the process
                                                       families.  Calligraphy  was  mainly  used  for
 of an invitation was done as a town crier
                                                       invitation as it was considered a royal gesture.
 who would simply announce the wedding
 in the square and whoever was in earshot
 was  essentially  invited  to  the  celebra-

 The  era  beginning  with  the  1600s  saw
 remarkable growth in the announcement
 of weddings using paper.  The invention of
 the Metal plate, engraving in 1642 opened
 up  the  world  of  specific  wedding
 invitations.    The  texts  were  reverse   IMAGE COURTESY : LESLIEANDPAPER
 engraved  onto  a  metal  plate,  and
 stamped on the paper to get the printed

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